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Gardening and Landscaping with Stromberg GFRC

January 9, 2013


GFRC for Gardening and Landscaping Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) might not be the most common material for gardening and landscaping, but it is undeniably one of the most versatile and effective. It can be used for any number of purposes including planters, sculpture, barriers, fountains and gazebos. Due to the diverse and durable nature […]

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Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Planters

August 22, 2011


Stromberg GFRC offers the largest selection of planters in the world.  We have a number of very versatile designs available.  You can peruse our gallery to pick one out and order it now. Should you have a particular design in mind, custom orders are available.  If you have no design but want something no one […]

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