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Ornamental Detailing with GFRC

March 18, 2015


GFRC is the Perfect Choice for Your Ornamental Details As a versatile material that can be made to look like just about any material and have a wide range of finishes and colors, GFRC is the ideal solution for an architectural project that involves ornamental details, including fireplaces, countertops, rock features and more. Here’s why. […]

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Go Green with GFRC

March 11, 2015


Let GFRC Help You Plan a Green Building The building industry around the world is looking for more ways to “green” structures both in terms of the materials used and the ability of the structure to help the interior structure and application to be more environmentally aware. Helping to pave the way with innovative green […]

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GFRC in Any Color

February 25, 2015


GFRC Comes in Any Color Imaginable One of the many benefits of GFRC is its design freedom so that it can look and feel like just about any material out there. This has helped to create some incredible architectural features, including everything from whimsical play sculptures and imaginative architecture at resorts like Atlantis in the […]

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How Does GFRC Help with LEED?

February 13, 2015


GFRC and LEED One of the biggest movements in the building and construction industry today is the migration to ecologically sound buildings and green building to ensure that the environment is protected. This includes minimizing the use of natural resources, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, helping to reduce energy consumption, and wiping out pollution. Setting the […]

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Why Choose GFRC: Cost Effective

August 25, 2014


GFRC is Cost Effective So many of the benefits of using GFRC in place of traditional concrete add up to one very big advantage – cost effectiveness. Here is a rundown on what makes this building material cost effective. What Does Cost Effective Mean? Cost effective does not mean cheap or low cost. What it […]

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Highly Sustainable GFRC

August 4, 2014


GFRC is Sustainable GFRC is proving itself to be an asset in the construction industry as an alternative to traditional concrete. It is strong, durable, flexible and versatile. And, during a time where the environment has taken center stage, its advantage as a sustainable building material has become very important. Here’s why. What Does Sustainable […]

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GFRC Provides Unmatched Durability

July 29, 2014


GFRC is Durable As an alternative construction and restoration material to traditional concrete and terra cotta, GFRC has many qualities that make it an ideal choice. While it is known to be strong, tough, versatile and adaptable, GFRC is also highly durable. Defining Durability The dictionary says that when something is durable it is able […]

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The Adaptability of GFRC

July 11, 2014


GFRC is Adaptable When you think of construction materials, the words that most often come to mind are “strong,” “stable,” “supportive,” and “tough.” Adaptable may seem like a strange word to connect with a construction material but with GFRC, an alternative type of building material for structures and architectural products, it is one of its […]

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Guide to GFRC Surface Texture and Finish

June 24, 2014


GFRC Offers Versatility in Surface Texture and Finish Among its many benefits, GFRC is known for its versatility and design freedom. Imagine being able to work with a material that could be made to look like just about any type of natural or man-made material. After all, no two buildings are the same. Each structure […]

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GFRC is Tough

June 10, 2014


The Durability of GFRC Construction materials are made with the intention of lasting a long time and putting up with a number of forces that want to break them down. Concrete has been the go-to material of choice because of its reputation for being a tough material. However, new materials are emerging that are proving that it […]

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